Flamenco Carols: A Fusion of Traditions

The carol has its origin in the well-known “chant of peasants,” referring to the popular song sung in the streets, of a pastoral nature and during the Christmas season. In the past, it was the “Christmas Eve rounds” that were responsible for including in their repertoire romances and serialized songs, as well as more secular compositions but inspired by biblical passages about the Nativity. The form of these songs is the traditional stanza and chorus, reserving the first for the narrative part and the second for the praise part.

The origin

Popularly, the native of Jerez, Rafael Ramos Antúnez, known as Niño Gloria (1893-1954), has been considered the first to sing traditional carols to the rhythm of bulerías. In fact, his stage name is directly related to this matter. However, despite some flamenco history books stating that this singer was the first to record flamenco carols, it is evident that it was not the case. Documented archives remind us that it was Antonio Grau who, between 1907 and 1909, recorded in Paris with Enrique el Negrete the album titled “Chuflas. Ditera,” the first two letters of which constitute a carol.

It was in 1915 when La Niña de los Peines recorded bulerías titled “Pastorcito, ¿por qué lloras?,” including three Christmas verses, including the two that Antonio Grau had previously recorded. In 1924, Amalia Molina, who recorded in the United States with the orchestra of Maestro Lacalle, recorded “Bulerías gitanas,” which included the same carol (“Pastorcito porque lloras” and “Ya vienen los reyes”).

In 1929, El Gloria recorded, to the rhythm of bulerías, carols such as “Los caminos se hicieron,” “Pastores que apastoráis,” “Cuando llegamos a Belén,” and the “Romance de la virgen y el ciego.”

Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises

Up to our days

Looking at our present days, numerous figures have followed in the footsteps of these pioneers, embracing the genre. Among them are Manuel Vallejo, Pepe Marchena, Antonio Mairena, Fosforito, La Paquera, Manolo Vargas, Manuel Sordera, Pericón de Cádiz, Bernardo de los Lobitos, Pepe Pinto, La Perla, Camarón, José Menese, José Mercé, Chano Lobato, Rocío Jurado, María Vargas, La Macanita, Fernando de la Morena, Remedios Amaya, etc. Even prominent composers have written carols for flamenco singers, such as Antonio Gallardo, Ríos Ruiz, Manolo Sanlúcar, Manuel Garrido, Parrilla himself, Fernando Terremoto, Luis de Perikín, Antonio el Farruco, José Quevedo, etc.

Así canta nuestra tierra en Navidad

In the Christmas of 1982, the Savings Bank of Jerez de la Frontera (now under the umbrella of Caixa and Fundación Cajasol) started the musical collection “Así canta nuestra tierra en Navidad” with the intention of recovering the rich heritage of carols, verses, and romances that, through oral transmission, had been preserved, although by then, the cherished home gatherings where families, neighbors, and friends used to sing them on Christmas Eve had almost disappeared, while preparing the festive meals. On December 19th, the 40th anniversary of this date will be celebrated, along with the traditional concert that marks the definitive start of this festive season.

Dic. 2007 – Teatro de la Maestranza Sevilla

The flame of flamenco carols continues to burn brightly in the voices of contemporary artists, demonstrating that this amalgamation of sounds is not only a tribute to Christmas but also a celebration of creativity and musical diversity. In each chord, the living history of a tradition resonates, far from extinguishing, still vibrating with intensity, reminding us that music has the power to unite cultures and times, creating something truly unique and eternal.

What they say about us

Wir waren nur für die Flamenco-Show (also ohne Menu) da und es hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Die Show selber dauerte ca. eine Stunde. Eine gute Möglichket um einen ersten Einstieg in diese Kunstform zu bekommen. Das Personal war sehr freundlich, die Preise sind angemessen.


Loved the quality and variety of the performance here - a female dancer, a male dancer, a singer, a guitar solo.... All outstanding!

Pau Ferri

No tengo palabras, tuve la suerte de estar junto al tablao, no soy muy de flamenco, era por verlo en Sevilla, y me han saltado las lágrimas de ver la pasión en persona y sentirla en cada uno de los pelos que se me han puesto de punta, cada uno de ellos era un maestro, el cantaor, desgarrado por la pasión, Pedro, el guitarrista, para los que tocamos acordes, algo de otro mundo, la cantaora, puro arte y los dos bailarines, bufff, esto hay que verlo y vivirlo, porque en palabras no se puede transmitir, un alcoyano en Sevilla que se va enamorado del flamenco y del buen arte apasionado, gracias, de corazón


Tolle Show! Die Tänzer und Sänger haben eine super Stimmung erzeugt. Sie tanzen und singen mit Leidenschaft. Da wir im Februar hier waren, waren nicht viele Tische belegt. Trotzdem eine coole Erfahrung


Un espectáculo muy bueno,lo recomiendo.